Geometrystraight lineanglesparallel linestriangleremarkable lines and pointsaltitudemedianbisectormidperpendiculartheoremspythagoreancongruencypolyongsparallelogramtrapezoidsimilarity of plane figurescircleArithmeticwhole natural numbersarithmetic operationsorder of operationsfactorizationWebsitesgermanenglishTrigonometryradian and degree measures of anglessolving of right angled trianglesAlgebrarational numbersoperatin with negative and positive numbersmonomials ans plynomialsalgebraic fractionsFunctions and Graphsconstants and variablesgraphical represantationcoordinateselemantary functions and their graphsgraphical solving of equations

This map is of course not complete yet. It shows how various fields of school mathematics can be organized. I used such maps a lot while I was preparing my exams at university and also while I teached math - unfortunatly I had to do this on the blackboard then. Now with vym available for free, also students can use maps easily
