Short introduction into time management:
Step 1: Make a liste of all the tasks you have to do. Don't think about importance and timelines right now, just do some brainstorming. Step 2: Sort your tasks: - Assign priorites by using colors
- Categorize them using flags e.g. use the "Stop" sign to show that something has to be done immediatly or use the clock for appointments
- you can use xLinks for crossreferences
- Most important: Decide when to do it.
I usually have for each weekday the (grey) appointments on top, then the very urgent (red) issues and finally the other action items scheduled for this day.
You can also have a "daily" branch, which might contain things which have to be done every day. Or it could contain things which stay in this branch until you have done them. It can easily be moved to the next day, once your day comes to an end.
Now you can always have the current weekday on top of your week, just move the days up and down. Hints: - Usually the "week" branch will get quite big. To keep the overview you should always have the current day on top of this week branch and move the visible part of the map, so that you can overview your current day.
- Have a look at the "birthday" list to see how you can copy birthdays into your week.
- There exist various other approaches to manage your time e.g. by categorizing tasks into A, B, C, D. You could also use this scheme in a map:
| Urgent | Not urgent --------------------+----------+--------- you have to do it | A | B others can do it | C | D
Usually D-tasks go directly down the drain while A-stuff should be done immediatly.